We try to provide support for most OS repositories registered on Github, however divided into two categories. If the project has registered on our platform, the support is more extensive, as this means we have established a connection directly to the core team of the project. For the unregistered proejcts, the support is more limited, due to lack of such connection. As a user, one is encouraged to request a core team connection for any OS project one wants help for. It is completely free to do so, and is done from the support landing page of the repository in question.
For registered repositories we offer:
Expert help instantly (if experts are online)
Community help* (free)
AI-support* (free and repo-specific)
*Community help and AI-support require that the repository has installed our assistant at their Discord server, normally in their help channel.
All registered OS projects on our platform receive a 5-10% commission from any support provided on their project using Githelp. Acting as an alternative to donations for you as a user, and a potentially valuable additional source of funding for the OS project in question. Accumulated commissions generated from support on unregistered projects are set aside, and paid out to the project upon registration.
You can see the commission rates at the support page of each repository.
Start with registering yourself. If you are a business or organization using OS, the right user category would be Business. You can make the registration here. You don´t have to be the contact person to start the process. Individual team members must register as User of support. That can be done through the same link.
If you want to use the service as multiple user groups, register one at a time.
All validated team members can use our service just as they want. We share similar documentation with all individual users you have validated. To see their documentation, go here.
Registering for Githelp is completely free. Your business is only invoiced if any of your team members have engaged an expert in helping with a particular issue. There are no cost per seat, meaning you can add as many people as you want free of charge.
Community help and AI-support through the Githelp assistant, are services that are free to use. There are no costs associated with using these functionalities.
Githelp is currently at an early stage, but we have great plans for the coming months. We hope that our platform can grow and evolve with the community and its users.
If you have other ideas on what we should focus on, let us know. We appreciate any engagement from the community. Also thoughts related to the already listed features are highly appreciated.
If there are any particular features you are extra interested in, and want to be an early tester/user of, let us know. We will in that case put you on the list of early notifications.